We are so glad that you are interested in staying informed about what is happening with BCDI-G. By signing up for our newsletter, you will get the latest updates on our events, news, and activities. BCDI-G promises to send only relevant and helpful information to you so you won’t be bombarded with emails, plus we will never share your information with anyone else. Sign up today and stay up to date with all the exciting things going on in our organization. Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to staying in touch!

We are so glad that you are interested in staying informed about what is happening in our organization. By signing up for our newsletter, you will get the latest updates on our events, news, and activities. We promise to send only relevant and helpful information to you so you won’t be bombarded with emails, plus we will never share your information with anyone else. Sign up today and stay up to date with all the exciting things going on in our organization. Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to staying in touch!

BCDI-G is a nonprofit 501c3 organization
Tax ID Number: 56-1524964 DUNS 835.984.071
415 N. Edgeworth Street –Suite 230, Greensboro, NC 27401
email us at info@BlackChildDevelopment.org

We are so glad that you are interested in staying informed about what is happening in our organization. By signing up for our newsletter, you will get the latest updates on our events, news, and activities. We promise to send only relevant and helpful information to you so you won’t be bombarded with emails, plus we will never share your information with anyone else. Sign up today and stay up to date with all the exciting things going on in our organization. Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to staying in touch!

BCDI-G is a nonprofit 501c3 organization
Tax ID Number: 56-1524964 DUNS 835.984.071
415 N. Edgeworth Street –Suite 230, Greensboro, NC 27401
email us at info@BlackChildDevelopment.org

Our mission is to improve and protect the quality of life of children, youth, and families in the greater Greensboro community.

BCDI-G is a nonprofit 501c3 organization
Tax ID Number: 56-1524964 DUNS 835.984.071
415 N. Edgeworth Street, Suite 230
Greensboro, NC 27401
email us at info@BlackChildDevelopment.org

Our mission is to improve and protect the quality of life of children, youth, and families in the greater Greensboro community.

BCDI-G is a nonprofit 501c3 organization
Tax ID Number: 56-1524964 DUNS 835.984.071
415 N. Edgeworth Street, Suite 230
Greensboro, NC 27401
email us at info@BlackChildDevelopment.org

Our mission is to improve and protect the quality of life of children, youth, and families in the greater Greensboro community.
BCDI-G is a nonprofit 501c3 organization
Tax ID Number: 56-1524964 DUNS 835.984.071
415 N. Edgeworth Street, Suite 230
Greensboro, NC 27401
email us at info@BlackChildDevelopment.org